Holtback Yeter

Art Director at Forsman & Bodenfors. Based in Gothenburg, Sweden.

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Craft Beer

Craft Sportswear

If you’re a dedicated runner, you’re no stranger to the post-run beer. A way to celebrate after a tough race, relax with friends after a training session or just wind down after your weekend long run. Making it an established ritual of running culture.

Craft is all about optimizing the runners experience, in every way. So, when launching their ultimate trail running shoe, Craft launched the ultimate post run beer. Filled with nutritions, minerals and vitamins, that actually helps your body recover.

Craft Beer was launched during UTMB, the worlds biggest Ultra Marathon in Chamonix. It gained a lot of attention during the race, and the running community spread the word on social media. Craft Beer became such a success, that Craft decided that it will be touring every race that they sponsor from now on.